Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tech Tip: Free Wifi! Not so great?

In this era, we are continually connected to the web. Be it via our home computers, laptops, cellular phones, or tablets, we are constantly connected. Many business already offer free wifi in order for you to bring your business to them while you are working, doing school work, or simply want time to chill. It is definitley useful at times.

The danger in this: eyes may be watching. With the inundation of network access out in the ether, there is quite a bit of information "floating through the air." The wrong person with the right tools can easily skim this information while it is travelling to its point, accessing email accounts, bank accounts, and social networking sites among other things, using your information.

Generally, surfing the web looking at the latest viral video or news report is not in their interest. It is when you must log on to a site that the danger arises. Some places that offer free wifi may have some sort of privacy clause in effect, but you would know what to ask, and who to ask, to find out. That's just a pain when you will usually have to go through neumerous people just to get this information.

When it comes to using these free wifi sites, treat them as if someone is watching everything you type on the keyboard, because that is what they could be doing. This also includes a trusted friend's house that has an unsecured network. Basically, if you don't need a password o log on to the wifi connection, or it is in a public place, be careful what site you visit. This will help you safety, as well as your computer, and possibly your bank accounts, credit card accounts, and overall credit score.

I spoke of the dangers of getting a hold of one piece of login information in my Tech Tips: Facebook Links post. Truly, a hacker sometimes only needs one account and password. Check it out.

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